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POLICE. Dinozavrov. Children love sand and water games, and ice experiments can be added in the heat. Like a dinosaur egg. You can play with ice eggs like dinosaurs bleed in our time as they survive with modern animals. You can go swimming with them in the bathroom and watch ice balls sniff.

You'll need:

- a few conventional balloons
- little dinosaurs.
- water

1. Extend a very small part of the balloon so the dinosaur can climb the ball. Carefully put a piece there. Some dinosaurs are easily placed inside the balloon, and some might have too long necks or tails. Don't try to put them in a ball by force, you better start cautiously pouring water, and then the ball will end.

2. Carefully pull the air ball on the water cran and hold its fingers tight so it doesn't rip.

3. Now carefully turn the water on the thin belt and watch the ball grow in front of your eyes. It's better to keep the ball from the bottom so it doesn't break. You don't have to pour too much water, especially if you want to freeze the dinosaur egg in the freezer, not in the winter street.

4. Turn off the water, carefully remove the balloon from the crane and tie it to the knot. Now we need to put the ball in the freezer, pre-set it on a plate or a pan.

5. If the eggs freeze completely, leave them in the freezer for the night.

6. Next day, get the frozen balls out of the refrigerator and take off the shell. You can start playing, unfreezing the ice under warm water, knocking on it with a hammer, whip the salt, just leave it on the sun, whatever way.

7. To wait not boring, prepare a place with the child where the dinosaurs will live after healing.

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