Украшения для сада своими

Garden Jewelry

Веселая семейка божьих коровокHow do you make your precinct unique, unusual, unique? The easyst way you can guarantee is that your garden doesn't look like any other kind of decoration. Surely, a ready garden decor can be purchased in specialized stores, but it's not hard and easy on its own, adding a drop of fantasy, making a seduction of the handwritten gaddy. with your hands. I mean, from the handcuffs, you can be kept out of anything, even from the old things that have left their time. So don't rush to remove unnecessary baskets, suitcases, garden tools, pelvis and other items.Отдыхающий каменный котенок Also for the garden decor, the various natural elements that lie under your legs, for example, crusts or stones, are something you don't pay attention. Look at the usual, normal things with other eyes - they might be the basis for unique garden decorations.

The simplest solution is the manufacture of decorative cells from stones. Using conventional vaginas or large galaxies, it is possible to lay down everything from decorative barriers to clumbing to animal or fabulous species. And the stones can not just be decorated by giving them some form, but also painted with persistent acryl paints.Веселое лицо дерева Using only this simple way, you can create irrepetitive figures that no one else will have.

And the ways of transforming the valoons can be great! For example, rocks can be painted in gentle pink tone and white acryl to carry decorative strips. How do you want to make a fashion graffiti on the rocks? Or do you have a family of God's cows all over the garden?

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Having an uncomplicated painting of stones, your garden will be filled with wonderful inhabitants: turtles, pigs, snails, kittens and dogs that have turned into clubs.

Maybe you'd like to give every tree originality and give it a unique face? It's best if the eye, nose and mouth are used to cut wood or plywood parts, so the face would look the most presentable.Основа для божьей коровки For a simpler option, we could use plastics, plant leaflets, buttons, beads, color paper. Put the children's tree on the street, they'll be thrilled!

Готовая божья коровка из цементного раствора Украшение сада из пластиковых бутылок - фигурка царевны-лягушки Клумба из ретро-авто Украшение для сада из старого ботинка
Идеи для украшения сада и не только
Идеи для украшения сада и не только
Оформление дачного участка Украшения для сада
Оформление дачного участка Украшения для сада
Украшение сада своими руками, простые идеи для оформления
Украшение сада своими руками, простые идеи для оформления
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