
Sadi Garden

Сад и ОгородSad and Ogorod for the countryside is an inevitable phenomenon!
But now you can enjoy not only the fruits of your work, but also the process that's used to bring so many inconveniences!
This programme will be interesting not only for the viewers of the beginnings of organic farming, but also for the mothers in this field.
New agrarian development and writing truths for horticultures, interesting facts and cunning methods, all of which you will find in the program. Sad and Ogorod!
Irina Bockova is always ready to share his experience and knowledge, and her guests, professional agronomists, people who have enlightened themselves as gardeners and vegetables, are ready to reveal the secrets of successful farming!
Our Sad and Ogorod are being created in view of the time of the year and the relevance of the topics covered.
We provide the necessary information in support of its practical recommendations and craftsmanships that everyone can test on their land.

Как посадить топинабур на огороде.
Как посадить топинабур на огороде.
Для сада и огорода - Как правильно сажать лук
Для сада и огорода - Как правильно сажать лук
Русские в Канаде.Мой таунхауз и сад-огород на балконе.
Русские в Канаде.Мой таунхауз и сад-огород на балконе.
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