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Vision Of Photo Circumference

Дорожки и тропинки на приусадебном участке

What do you want to put on a garden with your own design?

The land area offers great opportunities for its owner. With its direct assistance, vitamins can be stored for the entire year. In order for plants to bring aesthetic benefits, careful consideration must be given to possible saturation. Composites from certain cultures will be perfect as design tools. The fruit trees and berry piles meet virtually all the requirements of form, defect and contrast. They have many external qualities that sometimes even exceed individual varieties of decoration plants. Vegetables will also be full participants in the original composition. Thus, the fruits of bound tomatoes create real flower bulbs.

Bring it in. example of successful solutions Total Landscape Design Plan crops:

  1. leaf salad and beetle rotation;
  2. Large plants of cable and pumpkin;
  3. Decorative cabbage (extractive appearance before late autumn);
  4. peppers with all coloured rainbow fruit;
  5. beans and cucumbers to decorate vertical surfaces, etc.

To date, the market for decoration and vegetables has a huge range, which is updated annually. The modern design of the garden, which can be seen on the Internet, on the pages of printed publications or the media, consists of the varieties of popular and rare crops of the national (external) breeding. They can provide not only high yields, but they can also bring bright, unexpected paints and shapes.

ТатьянаSet up territory with roads and recreational areas

In order to facilitate the movement of land, it is necessary to carefully consider ways of passage. The size of the track will depend directly on functionality. At its central location, the best width would be 100 to 200 centimetres. The parallel track (from the front door to the slide) shall be of a similar size. When the recreational area is located, care should be taken of the comfort of the movement, so close cloths or flower will be inappropriate.

To protect against direct sun rays of conversation (weight with shops) living garden - Vegetable plants, tui or fruit trees with draught are planted on the perimeter of the conversation. Many owners of peri-urban real estate resort to the diagonal planning of garden plots when the landscape design of the yard acquires additional painting and originality. Numerous photos of the garden design allow visual presentation and design of the decision for each case.

Сад и огород. Ландшафтный дизайн. Вертикальное озеленение
Сад и огород. Ландшафтный дизайн. Вертикальное озеленение ...
Огород на даче Дизайн огорода
Огород на даче Дизайн огорода
Ландшафтный дизайн - дизайн огорода
Ландшафтный дизайн - дизайн огорода
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