Дизайнерские идеи для дачи и


To make it more comfortable and beautiful, you don't have to buy expensive things and furniture.

There are many ways to steal The kindergarten and make a nice place for the kids.

Using conventional materials, manual tools and imagination, a large number of interesting and useful garden plots can be created.

Here are some interesting ideas that you can turn into reality to steal your luck, garden and/or garden:

The wooden trail.

You will need:

wooden boards

- a shovel.

- hammer or kyanka

- Steering (if necessary)

- saw (if we need to smash the boards)

- Grades (if necessary)

- Sand (wish)

- Lac, paint.

1. Empty the deep path you're going to bed with wooden boards.

2. The trail needs to be even.

3. Carefully put the boards on the ground. They could not be processed and they could last two to three years without problems. You can cover them with a cloth or paint.

♪ If you wish, you can cover the thin layer of sand or gravia or galca.

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Интересные идеи для дачи
Интересные идеи для дачи
Интересные идеи для дачи. Благоустройство дачи
Интересные идеи для дачи. Благоустройство дачи
Идеи для сада и дачи
Идеи для сада и дачи
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