

Садовые дорожки из бетонаBells, stones (resistantly attached to each other with the grass growing between them), bricks, balds, or just spraying the roads. And as an original brodure, use divergent beer bottles in the ground.

Land decoration

One of the central places in the garden is the figure and sculpture. They can be purchased already, but you can do it with your hands. There are white swans out of the floorboards, shiny turtles and mounting foams, funny dwarfs and bethon waters.

Pepperbirds purchased at a store or produced may also be used to decorate the site with your hands.♪ For example, from colored phantoms, you can bleach a rooster that looks real.

How to make a garden decor using balloons

Interesting figures can be made with conventional balloons.Бордюры в саду из стекляных бутылок Here are two ideas of a garden decor using balls:

  • The first option, coloured ice balls, is the winter decor. The balloons are flooded with painted water, the ball is tightly tied and it's going to freeze. After freezing the liquid, the balloon shell is removed and the coloured ice figures are placed along the tracks or in another interesting way.
  • The second option, coloured balls, refers to spring-year decor.Дорожки из камня фото The balloon must be blown to make them, and it's good to wash it with thick threads and cover it up top of the PWA. If you want, you can paint a bright color. After the glue drys, the ball spins a needle and straights out through the threads. The decor has been scattered over long strings on trees or on the terrace.

Origin orchard lighting

The full elements of the garden decor can be considered as flashlights, beacons and beacons. Unusual lanterns make their hands out of conventional hard cans, glasses or bottles with a wide throat. This amazing decor comes from glass bottles.

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Фигуры для сада купить декор для садового участка ...
Благоустройство участка Садовые фигурки в декоре сада
Благоустройство участка Садовые фигурки в декоре сада
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