
How To Make The Sewer Run With Its Hands

Устройство канализации на даче: самые простые способы отвода стоковIf there's water in the house, then naturally, the sewer needs to be considered. You're not gonna take the waste water in the bucket. But since these domiciles are usually used only periodically, spring-age or weekends, the masters are not interested in setting up modern types of sewerage, for example, biological treatment stations, etc. They are interested in the simplest options with difficult mounting and minimal costs. The main thing is that sewerage is secure, prevents the penetration of sewage into fertile land and requires no special care.Канализация из покрышек We'll figure out how we can set up a simple sewer on our way.

Before you start construction work, determine how you intend to remove sewage from the bathroom, the kitchen and the toilet to one place or to another. This will depend on the type of tank that leaks. If approached in a rational way, the option of separate receptacles was more beneficial to the masters, because water from the kitchen, washing machine, shower and so forth could be released through the pit without the floor to the ground. They do not pose a threat to the soil, because bacteria will be able to recycle the waste of laundry powders, shampoos, etc.

The other thing is steaming with faeces. You can't let them go into the ground because you're making a lot of trouble yourself: you're gonna break the environment of the land, you're gonna ruin the soil in the garden, and the worst part is, these purples are going to get into the groundwaters and they're going back to the house as drinking water. For drains from the toilet, a sealed pit or septic must be constructed. Either way, you're not comfortable if all the runoffs of the house go into this pit because the tank starts to be filled up fast, and you're gonna have to often call an assensor machine or pump out the special fecal pump itself and take it out for disposal.

It's important! If the main source of drinking water is your own well, the installation of any sewage without the bottom is prohibited!

The simplest version of local sewerage is for kitchen and washing. It's usually edited if the toilet is made on the street or the owners planted a biota.

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