Альпийская горка своими руками

How To Make The Alpine Pot With Its Hands

The Alpine Mountain, as you can see in the photo, is the decoration of the garden, its raisin. This decoration of the landscape is now very popular. The composition of rocks and plants makes the site a great place. There are several types of alpings:

1. Mountain slope (outes) is the simulation of the mountain outlet. It could only be on a cool slope.
2. Alpine lawn is a high grass, rocky soil, low-grown evils.
3. The mountain valley is a stone garden. Most of the stones are mashed fur, cow and cheek.
4. Water cascade (horn stream) - on the shores of the Alpine Mountain with your hands. plants are planted.
5. The forest sheep (the rabbi) is a low soil. Stolen stones reinforce slopes. The plants don't make it steep, they can be low-lying bushes, havous.
6. The Japanese pot must have nothing to do with it.
7. Mixbourder is a rock group buried along the tropin or clumbum, as well as a heavily loaded flower.

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