Make The Alpine Mountain
The Alpine Mountain is an incredible piece of landscape design.
Today, we're going to tell you how to do this miracle with our hands.
1. Alpine location
To be right. Make the Alpine Mountain With your hands, we need to pick a solar and visible corner on the precinct. Alpineria is a piece of wildlife that is artificial. So we have to make rocks and plants organically fit into the landscape.
The shaded space would not be appropriate for such purposes. It's also not gonna fit an eye-covered area. The alpine pot is the pride of the garden, his most brightest pearl.
2. Drenage
The Alpine Mountain is on a good drainage system. Otherwise, one day, the soil underneath it will start to feed, and it will look less aesthetic and natural.
Pay attention! The main mistake of the newcomers who are taking care of the alpine is the lack of drainage. How do you do the drainage system?
First, we need to dig the quoted.
The depth of the boiler depends on the area of the future camenist garden. For an alpine of 2, 5 to 2, 5 meters, the optimal depth of the boiler will be about 1 metre. We have to set up a drainage system. You can use sand, cheek, building trash, turtles. But you can't put it down.
There's a fertile soil upstairs.
Last stage is a trambo.
3. Burning stones
When the drain is ready, we need to get stones for the alpine mountain. The stones shall be packed with longlines. Down there are bigger ones. You can put on the top some unusual or particularly beautiful varnish.
When choosing the valoons, it must be taken into account that the smaller the size of the alpine, the smaller the size of the stones. For a big mountain, you can take a fine-sized varnish, and for a little bit, a stove will come.
Gorka tends to have between 3 and 5 to 6 Yarries.
By laying stones, we have to remember that we'll soon have to plant. Therefore, between the longlines, wet fertile soil should be filled. Don't put rocks too tight.
4. Plant Grant
The Alpine Mountain is an incredible piece of landscape design.
Today, we're going to tell you how to do this miracle with our hands.
1. Alpine location
To be right. Make the Alpine Mountain With your hands, we need to pick a solar and visible corner on the precinct. Alpineria is a piece of wildlife that is artificial. So we have to make rocks and plants organically fit into the landscape.
The shaded space would not be appropriate for such purposes. It's also not gonna fit an eye-covered area. The alpine pot is the pride of the garden, his most brightest pearl.
2. Drenage
The Alpine Mountain is on a good drainage system. Otherwise, one day, the soil underneath it will start to feed, and it will look less aesthetic and natural.
Pay attention! The main mistake of the newcomers who are taking care of the alpine is the lack of drainage. How do you do the drainage system?
First, we need to dig the quoted.
The depth of the boiler depends on the area of the future camenist garden. For an alpine of 2, 5 to 2, 5 meters, the optimal depth of the boiler will be about 1 metre. We have to set up a drainage system. You can use sand, cheek, building trash, turtles. But you can't put it down.
There's a fertile soil upstairs.
Last stage is a trambo.
3. Burning stones
When the drain is ready, we need to get stones for the alpine mountain. The stones shall be packed with longlines. Down there are bigger ones. You can put on the top some unusual or particularly beautiful varnish.
When choosing the valoons, it must be taken into account that the smaller the size of the alpine, the smaller the size of the stones. For a big mountain, you can take a fine-sized varnish, and for a little bit, a stove will come.
Gorka tends to have between 3 and 5 to 6 Yarries.
By laying stones, we have to remember that we'll soon have to plant. Therefore, between the longlines, wet fertile soil should be filled. Don't put rocks too tight.
4. Plant Grant

Как сделать "Скалку" (альпийская горка), часть 1

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