Дачные клумбы своими руками!

Dreams With Their Hands

Регулярная клумбаBy planning the field, you must make a clumbum or a flower. This device will decorate the general type of territory, making it more attractive. In addition to the need to correctly select the decorational type of flower, there is still a problem such as the right choice of plants for clumbing. The most popular design decisions on the cloam will be considered, and recommendations on the choice of the vegetation world of this landscape design element will be made.

Main types of clumbing for a given section

Нерегулярная клумбаYou must have noticed that, to date, the usual rural single-tier clumbing for us has gone sideways. To replace it, the designers used all their creativity and created several basic types of seals that can be reconciled with the good territory.

The most popular are the following types of clumbing:

  • Regularwhich consists of plants that flow at one time in the form of the right geometric figure using symmetry. This type of bulb is not very relevant, as it requires careful labour-intensive care and can only enjoy its colouring for one particular period.
  • An irregular clumbing. Unlike the previous option, it does not require the use of the correct geometric forms of flower, so its general appearance is natural.Вертикальная клумба The clumba is good that can drip around the season, because it consists of multi-year plants that do not require special care.
  • Vertical clumbing. It's widely used in small landwhich cannot be painted by conventional clumbia due to lack of free space. Typically, the widths, spalers, walls with flowers, etc., are used to create a vertical cloum. Although the creation of a vertical clumbium is a labour-intensive process, its appearance will meet your expectations by effectively decorated the field.
  • Monoclumba♪ This type of clumbing is the best option for a day-to-day site, as it includes low material costs fully justified by an external form of cloth. The spreading world of monoculum consists of plants of the same species (georgin, astro or pion). The shape of the bulb shall be round or square, and the dimensions are not too large, so that the distance does not constitute a botanical garden.
  • Multi-level clumbing. This type of clumbing is considered to be the most instantard since it involves a small height above the ground. The advantage of a multi-layered clumbing can be seen from any point in the area.
Моноклумба Многоуровневая клумба Арабеска Клумба из автомобильной покрышки
See also:
  • Как самому сделать профилактику кондиционеру.
Как сделать клумбу своими руками из старых джинсов
Как сделать клумбу своими руками из старых джинсов
Такие разные эти клумбы своими руками получаются
Такие разные эти клумбы своими руками получаются
Клумбы, которые можно сделать своими руками
Клумбы, которые можно сделать своими руками
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